Quantas Advantage


Our securitization program allows us to channel capital to businesses who want immediate cashflow from contractual cashflows due to be collected over the medium to long term.

Working Capital Solutions

We aim to provide alternative solutions to the private and public sector entities aimed as solving capital financing challenges. Quantas’ approach is data driven and utilizes innovative and flexible financing strategies. Our working capital solutions include:

Receivables Financing

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Inventory Financing

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Payables Financing

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Alternative Capital Support

This refers to our solutions and strategies that fall outside of traditional bank
loans or stock offerings. These are designed for our customers to secure longer
term funding for their business projects. These include:

Mezzanine Financing
  • This is financing that sits between senior debt and equity provides long term financing for expansion and recapitalization
  • It also can be used to improve the ability of a company to receive traditional loan facilities
Bridge Financing
  • Quantas can arrange short term financing aimed at covering the gap between the need for immediate cash flow while the company seeks longer term financing solutions
Asset-Based Lending
  • Quantas will consider financing solutions based on assets such as real estate, stocks or other tradable securities etc.
  • This option may be a one-time solutions or an extendable program
Lease Financing
  • We facilitate lease financing on selected assets
  • This includes Real Estate and commercial equipment

Cash Flow Purchase

We offer a range of solutions aimed at transforming expected cash flows from contractual arrangements into lump sum payments to allow business to fund project without taking on debt.

Loan Portfolio purchase

We purchase loans issued by reputable financial institutions

Real Estate Notes

We will purchase payments rights from mortgages etc.

Lease Purchase

We may purchase contractual lease payments

Other Contractual Payments

For example, proceeds of an asset sale where payment is expected in installments

Quantas Advantage

Securitization of cashflows

Our securitization program allows us to channel capital to businesses who want immediate cashflow from contractual cashflows due to be collected over the medium to long term.

Working Capital Solutions

We aim to provide alternative solutions to the private and public sector entities aimed as solving capital financing challenges. Quantas’ approach is data driven and utilizes innovative and flexible financing strategies. Our working capital solutions include:

Receivables Financing

•Quantas will analyze and purchase suitable receivables •We aim to allow companies to convert sales to cash faster in order to meet working capital demands •Our solutions may be with recourse or without recourse to the seller of the receivables •We can structure a one-time purchase of receivables, or a program designed to provided liquidity